We provides premium quality Vector Graphics services at a very reasonable price with high quality work and fast turnaround.

ZEON GRAPHICS is a one stop company for all your artwork and digitizing needs. Vector art services is been working for several years in this industry and successfully serving some of the top suppliers and distributors in promotional industry.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.

we have invested heavily on People, Systems and Infrastructure to ensure that its customers get the best of Price, Quality & Turnaround time.

Vector Art

We convert your raster images into vector artwork by manually redrawing.
Vector artwork can be scaled up or down infinitely without the loss of resolution.
It can be used for any type of printing.


We do Embroidery Digitizing with new styles & methods including: 3D Embroidery, 3D-Puff embroidery, Applique,
Custom Patches, Custom Labels, & Tackle Twill Embroidery.

cnc 3d stl

We provide custom 3d STL reliefs for CNC our goal to assist you in developing your ideas into designs, email us your images and ideas to get a quick quote.

By Ashley Willams

Vector artwork

we aims to revolutionize the world of artwork by providing an exclusive conversion facility at affordable rates.
Designs that are ready to Print with zero hassles with quick turnaround time and a highly talented team.

Artworks ready for CNC and Laser Engraving..

What customers are saying about us.



Huge thank you to Ashley Williams and Zeon Graphics for the outstanding work they did for me recently. The customer is overjoyed. And, so quickly as well. Highly recommend Ashley.

By Ashley Willams

Embroidery digitizing

we aims to revolutionize the world of artwork by providing an exclusive conversion facility at affordable rates.
Designs that are ready to Print with zero hassles with quick turnaround time and a highly talented team.

Basic DEsign

  • Free Revisions
  • Detail oriented Designs
  • Source File
  • 24/7 Support

Standard DEsign

  • Free Revisions
  • Detail oriented Designs
  • Source File
  • 24/7 Support

Complex DEsign

  • Free Revisions
  • Detail oriented Designs
  • Source File
  • 24/7 Support


Please use our contact form to quickly and easily deliver your message to us.

We are sure to respond all your inquiries about our Embroidery Digitizing and Vector Art Conversion services.

Please be as specific as possible so that our staff can provide an accurate response in proper timing.